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Sat June 1 - Sun June 30
Team Fundraiser

Team NY (Gierlingers)

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $5,000



Friends and Family, please join me in bringing COMFORT and JOY to children facing terminal or serious conditions receiving Palliative Care at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI.  Together we can bring life changing care to patients and families! Elizabeth’s Courage Fund fully funds a Music Therapist that works at the bedside with children, teens and young adults in the palliative care program at Mott.  She also works with patients via zoom — which is so healing and life giving. 

The Fund also allows for a medical massage therapist who helps relieve pain, nausea and anxiety.  AND we fund a Child Life Therapist who helps children work through the emotional burden of chronic or terminal illness…prepare for surgery or procedures through medical play, supports siblings, and supports families through grief and loss or transitioning home to hospice with legacy projects (hand and foot prints, heartbeat recordings etc). 

As a very musically oriented family, we know how enriching music is, and what a difference it can make for these kids. We are also close and personal friends of Elizabeth and her family, who have endured so much, yet have sacrificially and faithfully given back to other beautiful children who are also suffering. In love and friendship, The Gierlinger Family walks alongside them and hopes to boost their fund again this year through our annual Team New York 5k Run, Walk and Roll. Please consider donating and/or joining our 5k to help us make the lives of the children in C.S. Mott happier!


Top Donors

$700 Raised By 7 Donors

$200 in support of Elizabeth
$100 in support of Amy Gnagy
$100 in support of Elizabeth
$100 in memory of Elizabeth
$100 in honor of Michael Conlon
$50 in support of Elizabeth
$50 in honor of Nicoletta Okane

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